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Dr. Renetta G. Tull is a finalist for the 2015 GEDC AIRBUS Diversity in Engineering Education Award

Dr. Renetta Garrison Tull is an educator, mentor, advocate, and scholar. She is trained as an Electrical Engineer, who received both her B.S. and M.S., from Howard University and Northwestern University, respectively. In addition, Dr. Tull received her Ph.D. in Speech Science from Northwestern, and completed a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, prior to joining the faculty at Wisconsin with speech technology research ties to the departments of Communicative Disorders and Industrial Engineering. She is a highly sought after speaker who travels both nationally and internationally in an attempt to increase the numbers of underrepresented students in STEM.

Dr. Tull

Dr. Tull has been nominated to receive the 2015 GEDC AIRBUS Diversity in Engineering Education Award, and she is one of the three finalists! This prestigious award was “launched to promote a more diverse engineering workforce globally and recognizes initiatives and people behind them who facilitate and encourage students from all backgrounds and profiles to pursue and finish a career in Engineering and to help them develop as successful engineers for the workforce through initiatives that have the potential to be replicated elsewhere.”

Dr. Tull exemplifies these characteristics, and during her 12-year tenure as the Director of the PROMISE Program, Maryland’s AGEP, a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation, she has implemented a holistic approach for student development. PROMISE has created several modules of workshops and seminars that have been replicated in several institutions of higher education across the country.

Currently, in her role as Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and as Co-PI for the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate, Dr. Tull proves that when you love what you do and are good at it, the possibility to positively impact and change lives is inevitable.

This particular award is extra special because it has brought candidates from 13 countries totalling 29 diverse candidates, and Dr. Tull has been listed amongst them! Similarly, not only did Dr. Tull make it to the semi-finals, she was selected as one of the top three finalist to receive the 2015 GEDC AIRBUS Diversity in Engineering Education Award! On November 30, 2015, Dr. Tull and the other two finalists will have the opportunity to present their ideas to a jury led by Charles Champion, Airbus’ Executive Vice President Engineering at the annual GEDC conference in Adelaide, Australia, where the final selection will be made!

Dr. Tull, we wish you all the best of luck!


For more information:


Posted: October 22, 2015, 9:11 AM