Good morning Dr. _insert your name here_ (per @UMBC Pres. Hrabowski). @PROMISE_AGEP Reflections: SREB @SREBDocSch #Institute2014 #Atlanta
PROMISE AGEP – University System of Maryland: We have been on a journey and you have been given an assignment. In Atlanta, at this past weekend’s SREB Compact for Faculty Diversity/Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, UMBC’s President Hrabowski told you that you are pioneers, and that your academic contributions will set the groundwork for generations to come. Dr. Sandra Murray from the University of Pittsburgh (full professor, Department of Cell Biology) told you to “Fantasize! Focus! Know what shoes you will wear when you win your Nobel Prize.” As you climb, Dr. Orlando Taylor reminded you to remember to include people from all races and backgrounds so that you don’t become the new models of marginalization. You are going to fly. You are going to conquer. Picture it!
Tell us who you are. Introduce yourself. Tell us your SREB experience, and your dream. Here is a guide.
1. Name.
Write “Dr. _____” if you already have your PhD., and “Future Dr. _____” if it is forthcoming
2. School, position (e.g., graduate student, PhD candidate, Postdoc), department
3. Your SREB experience
4. Your contribution to STEM and to your field at large (current and future … dream!)
5. Fast forward to 2034 – Your vision of your achievements as a professor and beyond

Grad students and postdocs from schools around Maryland with Dr. Tull and UMBC’s President, Dr. Hrabowski
Posted: November 3, 2014, 8:02 AM