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Help Test the SGA Election on MyUMBC

This year's SGA election is likely to take place through MyUMBC, a first that we hope will make the voting process more accessible.  But first, we need to test the system.  I'm hoping you'll help by attempting to vote in a trail run of the election.

To get started, follow this link:

Vote in the Trial Run of the SGA Election on MyUMBC

There's an opportunity to leave comments on the voting process after the 3rd (of 3) test questions.  Please do; it will help us evaluate this experiment.  Also, please let me know (by email to dhoffman@umbc.edu) if one of these things happens when you follow the link:

--You are a UMBC undergraduate but find that you are NOT able to reach the ballot and cast a vote; OR

--You are NOT a UMBC undergraduate but find that you ARE able to reach the ballot and cast a vote.

The trial election is running only from Tuesday, March 8th at 8:00 a.m. through Thursday, March 10th at 6:00 p.m., after which it should become impossible for anyone to cast additional votes.

Thanks for your help!

NOTE: We’re already hearing about an error message ("You selected too many choices for your vote") in response to Test Question #1.  It’s an issue we'll have to work out.  I appreciate the feedback; that's why we're running the test.  Let me know of other issues.  Thank you!


Posted: March 8, 2011, 11:06 AM