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SGA Officer Application for 2011-2012

UMBC's SGA is a forum for making a difference on campus and beyond.  Participants receive training and support as they tackle campus issues, create programs and work together for the benefit of all UMBC undergraduates.

20 students serve in SGA’s elected leadership positions: President, Executive VP, VP for Student Organizations, Treasurer, Senator (11) and Finance Board Member (5).  These positions will be filled in the annual election in April.  Learn more about these positions and apply to run for them here.  No previous SGA experience is necessary.  All elected officers receive stipends in recognition of their service.

Over the next few days, I’ll be posting descriptions of what it’s like to serve in each of these positions.  As the people serving now can tell you, it’s a life-changing opportunity not to be missed.

I first ran for an SGA position when I was 7 years old.  I was involved in SGA through high school, college and law school, sometimes winning elections, sometimes losing them.  The beauty of a good SGA—and UMBC’s is a very good SGA—is that it can be a platform for amazingcommunity-changing successes and awesomeuseful failures.  You have plenty of company: fellow students who care about UMBC, and some interesting characters you may meet along the way.  At the very least, SGA will make you think about things in new ways.  If you’re like me, it will involve you in at least one episode that will shape your character and outlook forever.

So check out the application, and if you have questions, contact me at dhoffman@umbc.edu.  I’ve been advising UMBC’s SGA for almost eight years, and I continue to be amazed by everything dedicated student leaders can learn and accomplish together.

Posted: February 21, 2011, 8:06 AM