Successful Dissertation House at UMBC. College Park’s...
UMBC’s grad students stated that they enjoyed the Dissertation House experience and were pleased with their progress. The week included discussions by the counseling center, an elevator pitch exercise, a writing exercise, and mini-lectures on organization and working with your advisor. The next Dissertation House will be held at the University of Maryland College Park from tomorrow until Friday.

Students from Gerontology, Information Systems, and Psychology participate in a goal-setting exercise on Day 1 of the UMBC DH.

Each mini-lecture includes discussion and feedback. Mini-lectures are scheduled daily between 9 and 10 AM, and between 1 and 2 PM. These students are from Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, and Psychology.
Filed under: Summer 2010 DH, UMBC, University of Maryland College Park Tagged: UMBC, UMCP, University of Maryland College Park
Posted: July 19, 2010, 1:30 PM