

3,419 is the number of homeless people counted in Baltimore by the most recent "homeless census" conducted in January 2009.  This number was higher than the count from the previous census in 2007,...

Posted: January 29, 2010, 5:52 PM

Real People Profiles: Dale Bittinger

I’m asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty and staff, to answer a few questions about themselves and their experiences. These are their...

Posted: January 28, 2010, 5:08 PM

Social Entrepreneurship Course by the Numbers

Delana Gregg and I teach a course each fall called Civic Imagination and Social Entrepreneurship (cross-listed as POLI 209, AMST 280, SOCY 298, and EDUC 209), in which students explore and develop...

Posted: January 28, 2010, 12:58 PM

Real People Profiles: Clare Greene

I’m asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty and staff, to answer a few questions about themselves and their experiences. These are their...

Posted: January 27, 2010, 5:55 PM

While You Were Away

Here’s a brief update on a few UMBC-related happenings since mid-December: Thirteen teams of students submitted detailed proposals for improving the campus as a part of SGA’s Prove It!...

Posted: January 26, 2010, 5:36 PM

Budget News

President Hrabowski and Provost Hirshman sent out a message today outlining the likely consequences for the UMBC community of Governor O'Malley's proposed budget for 2010-2011.  The big news for...

Posted: January 25, 2010, 8:15 PM

My Higher Education

I entered college as a freshman in fall 1984.  My declared major was Political Science; my orientation was careerist; my worldview embarrassingly narrow.  Over the years my horizons broadened.  I...

Posted: January 24, 2010, 4:56 PM

Massachusetts Senate Outcome Driven Partly by Youth...

Full Title: Massachusetts Senate Outcome Driven Partly by Youth Non-Voters As you've undoubtedly heard, Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley, by winning 51.9% of the vote to...

Posted: January 21, 2010, 3:08 PM