
Summer Dissertation House (July 7-10, 2015)

The Summer Dissertation House is coming to UMBC, July 7-10 2015. Graduate students who plan to participate should follow the application procedures on the application webpage for the Dissertation...

Posted: June 9, 2015, 1:13 PM

CFP: 2nd Annual Culturally Responsive Teaching Conference

Proposal Deadline Extended (June 30)

Conference Theme: CRT Nuts & Bolts: The Scope and Definition of CRT “CRT teaches to and through the strengths of the students” -Geneva Gay At the Community College of Baltimore County...

Posted: June 5, 2015, 12:36 PM

CFP: Turning Your Conference Paper Into A Publication

Popular CultureAmerican Culture Association Writers Workshop

Professional Development Writers Workshop November 5th-November 8th 2015 Drexel University – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Guest Editor: Elwood D. Watson, East Tennessee State University...

Posted: June 5, 2015, 12:28 PM

Felix Burgos Receives Dresher Center Award

Fall 2015 Graduate Research Fellowship

UMBC's Dresher Center for the Humanities just named Felix Burgos, LLC Cohort 14, a Fall 2015 Dresher Center Residential Graduate Student Research Fellow. As an LLC Doctoral Candidate, Felix is...

Posted: May 27, 2015, 9:48 AM

LLC 750.1: New Special Topic Course - Fall '15

Professor: Dr. Cedric Herring

Knowledge Production and Social Science Career Development in LLC This class will engage students in social science approaches to the production of culture through a series of active learning...

Posted: May 25, 2015, 7:49 PM

AMST 630 Cultural Policy - Course Fall '15

Instructor: James Counts Early

This course, constructed around proactive student-participation, examines the historical backdrop and contemporary development of cultural policy in the United States, especially in relation to...

Posted: May 25, 2015, 7:37 PM

Workshop: Critical Response Process

With Liz Lerman / Sponsored by B'PAR

Workshop participants will explore possibilities for embracing horizontal research approaches within hierarchical worlds by actively engaging with creative tools for generating ideas, problem...

Posted: May 25, 2015, 7:27 PM

NEH 2016 Summer Stipends Competition for UMBC Faculty

Call for Proposals for UMBC Nominations

Limited Submission Opportunity through the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research Internal proposals are due by August 28, 2015...

Posted: May 22, 2015, 2:09 PM

Graduation Ceremony Spring 2015

Nine wonderful LLC students are now doctors!

Our sincere congratulations to a wonderful group of students who received their diplomas in today's Graduation Ceremony. It is a very special occasion for all the people (family, friends,...

Posted: May 20, 2015, 7:00 PM