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Catie Collins' Convocation Address

At the 2011 UMBC Convocation, SGA President Catie Collins shared that she felt out of place when she started at UMBC, unsure of herself and her path.  She encouraged new students to dive into...

Posted: August 30, 2011, 7:57 PM

Collin Wojciechowski's Convocation Address

UMBC junior Collin Wojciechowski is serving this year as the sole student member of the University System of Maryland's governing Board of Regents.  He addressed new UMBC students today, sharing...

Posted: August 30, 2011, 7:52 PM

UMBC Welcome Week Song

I only caught the end of the Public Service Announcements in the UC Ballroom on Monday, but what I saw was hilarious. Sometimes you can co-create UMBC by writing a song.  Way to go, Stevo...

Posted: August 29, 2011, 10:47 PM