Apply for UMBC STRiVE 2012
STRiVE is a highly regarded, 5-day student leadership retreat, but none of those words really conveys the wonder of the thing. I've been a facilitator at each of the annual SGA- and Office of Student Life-sponsored retreats, and each has been a highlight of my entire UMBC experience. At STRiVE, student participants (and staff and student coaches) who start as strangers rapidly form and learn from the experience of creating an incredibly strong community. STRiVE is fun, energizing and, for many, life-changing. I know it has been for me.
Through games, activities and reflection, STRiVE participants hone leadership skills, develop campus and social change projects and build networks. Participants emerge feeling confident, inspired and connected. Participants' ratings of the retreat have been off the charts: 100% of participants say they'd recommend STRiVE to a friend.

STRiVE 2012 will take place from January 9 - 13, 2012, at the Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, Maryland (participants will travel by bus from the UMBC campus). A team of 12 UMBC staff members and student leaders will serve as facilitators for the retreat.
To learn more about STRiVE and complete the application, go here:
You can also read my post-STRiVE reflections and check out some photos from STRiVE 2011 (here), STRiVE 2010 (here), and STRiVE 2009 (here).
The application is due by Friday, November 11th at 5:00 p.m. If you have questions about STRiVE, send me an email:
Posted: October 27, 2011, 9:11 AM