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Announcing our 2020-2021 SS Undergraduate Research Awardees!

Congratulations to all!

The following students have received Social Science Undergraduate Research Awards for 2020-2021:

Camille Blackford (ANTH)
“A Proposal for an Ethnography on the Happiness of UMBC Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic”
Mentors:  Drs. Bambi Chapin & Sarah Chard

Maryam Elhabashy (ANTH)
“Cupping and Wellness Among Muslims In the Baltimore-Washington Area”
Mentor:  Dr. Bambi Chapin

Sydney Fryer (GES)
“Humanizing Baltimore City Squeegee Kids”
Mentor:  Dr. Dena Aufseeser

Elle Kreiner (ANTH)
“Ethnographic Examination of Strategies of Emotional Labor in Death Care Work”
Mentor:  Dr. Bambi Chapin

Angel Munoz-Osorio
“The Effects of Sounds on Pain Perception”
Mentor:  Dr. Lynnda Dahlquist

Ada Truong (PSYC)
“Chinese Americans’ psychological well-being and COVID-19 related racial discrimination: The moderating role of ethnic identity”
Mentor:  Dr. Charissa Cheah

Kateryna Yakusheva (GLBL)
“What type of government is the most efficient at dealing with pandemics?”
Mentor:  Dr. Brigid Starkey

Visit CS3's website for a summary of their planned research.  

Congratulations to ALL of the students who have received research awards for the coming year.  For a complete list, please visit the Undergraduate Research website.  

Posted: June 22, 2020, 1:21 PM