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Survey: Assessing Readiness for Relaunching Research at UMBC

Provide input to UMBC leadership

An Online Survey assessing faculty needs for relaunching Research and Creative Achievement (RCA) activities on campus has been deployed by UMBC's Leadership.

Please respond no later than Wednesday, May 20. The responses will be collected across the Campus and reviewed by members of the Research Access Exception Task Force (RAET) that was established in Mid-March, when UMBC transitioned into Research Maintenance Mode. 

Link: https://umbc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XECfobwdKZ6Pch 

If you do not require regular access for RCA activities to the UMBC Campus, please respond to the initial 6 questions and then submit the Survey.

Posted: May 18, 2020, 3:35 PM