Tym Wowk Successfully Defends his Dissertation
On April 30, 2020 Tymofey Wowk of LLC Cohort 15
successfully defended his dissertation and earned the title of Doctor of
His virtual
defense went very smoothly and he gave an excellent presentation of his
dissertation research, "A Path toward Education Equity: Factors Facilitating the Persistence of Racial/Ethnic Minority Students at Community Colleges."
The program wishes to acknowledge the guidance and commitment of Tym's committee:
Dr. Christine Mallinson (LLC), Chair
Dr. Claudia Galindo (UMCP), Co-chair
Dr. Marina Adler (SAHAP)
Dr. Fred Pincus (emeritus SAHAP)
Dr. Christopher Rakes (EDUC)
Posted: May 4, 2020, 9:05 AM