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Of Note: Social Science Faculty, Students, and Alumns

Congratulations to the following faculty, students, and alumni for their recent accomplishments!

John Borrero, Psychology, will be represented #UMBC for an invited address at the Heartland Association for Behavior Analysis on Friday March 22 (2019). ⁦@HEARTLANDABANE⁩⁦@UMBCGradSchool⁩⁦@UMBC⁩⁦@UMBCSocSci⁩⁦@UMBC_CAHSS⁩

Matt Fagan and Maggie Buck Holland, Geography and Environmental Systems, recently argued we should be thinking differently about forest restoration policies. Restoring tropical forests isn’t meaningful if those forests only stand for 10 or 20 years (Sunbury News)

Scott Farrow, Economics, and his collaborator won a 2018 Best Paper award from the Journal of Cost-Benefit Analysis for their article “Welfare Analysis: Bridging the Partial and General Equilibrium Divide for Policy Analysis.”

Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science, who received the Presidential Teaching Faculty Award! #UMBCSocScipic.twitter.com/zsUUzMRlgm

Maheen Haq ‘20, Global Studies and Economics, has been named a Newman Civic Fellow.

Tyson King-Meadows, Political Science, will join a cohort of thirty-nine ACE fellows from institutions across the United States in the distinguished education leadership program.

Elliot Lasson, Psychology, discusses generational differences in the workplace. Your Money and Business (mpt)

Robert Provine, Psychology, is quoted in a blog about how crying can build emotional bonds between people. Why it’s ok to cry in public (Psych Central blog)

Ian Ralby '02, Modern Languages and Linguistics, and M.A '02, Intercultural Communication, who works for the United Nations, was on NPR's Planet Money podcast. #899: Mexico Fights The Fuel Pirates (NPR)

John Rennie Short, Public Policy, discusses how New York City is working to address traffic congestion.New York gets serious about traffic with the first citywide US congestion pricing plan (The Conversation)

Stacy L. Rodgers ‘83, Psychology, is the first African American and second woman to be appointed administrative officer for Baltimore County. First black woman CAO of Baltimore County (Afro)

Posted: April 10, 2019, 11:43 AM