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Emergency Loan Initiative

At the last Meeting of the Graduate Senate on Monday October 1, we discussed a potential new Initiative the GSA could undertake: An Emergency Loan Initiative. While we are far from having all of the details, we envision this initiative as a mechanism that could provide temporary financial support to graduate students in times of financial need.

UConn has such a program that might serve as a template for ours: https://dos.uconn.edu/short-term-emergency-loans-stelf/

We are looking to have a group of 3-5 students interested in pursuing the details of this initiative in concert with the Graduate Senate.

If there is enough interest, a committee may be formed at the next Meeting of the Graduate Senate and can provide compensation for up to 5 active students.

If you are interested or would like to offer any comment, leave us a comment below or email us directly at gsa@umbc.edu.

Posted: October 3, 2018, 2:49 PM