Public scholarship event today at 11:30!
Voices of a People's History: Public Read Out
Today on the UC steps (near Starbucks) the Humanities Scholars will be staging a Public Read Out of Voices of a Peoples History of the U.S. (These are students in a class Dr. Bev Bickel is co-teaching with Dr. Joby Taylor, Director, Shriver Peaceworker Fellows).
They’ll be performing readings from a collection of powerful, but often left out, Voices from across U.S. history…These are individuals (representing communities) who spoke bravely from the midst of their struggle for peace, justice, and equality in the history of our country. They are all wonderful examples of public intellectuals!
The public read will start at 11:30 am. If you are on campus, stretch your legs and stop over for some or all of the Read Out!
Posted: November 9, 2017, 8:11 AM