Of Note: Dr. Gloria Chuku
Dr. Gloria Chuku, chair and professor of Africana studies, and affiliate professor of both gender and women’s studies and language, literacy, and culture has recently received the the 2017 Ali Mazrui Award for Scholarship and Research Excellence from the board of the Toyin Falola Annual Conference on African Diaspora (TOFAC).
The award honors the legacy of Kenyan-born professor Ali Mazrui, known for his research on African history and critical analysis of western influence in Africa. It acknowledges scholars whose academic work is substantial, rigorous, and original, and has a far-reaching impact on one or more disciplines within African(a) studies.
Chuku was honored as the first woman to receive the award at a special event during this year’s TOFAC gathering, held in July at the Adeyemi College of Education, in Ondo, Nigeria. Previous recipients include Nimi Wariboko, professor of social ethics at Boston University School of Theology, and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni, founder of the Africa Decolonial Research Network at the University of South Africa.
Congratulations, Dr. Chuku!
To read more about Dr. Chuku's work, please visit the latest issue of UMBC News: http://news.umbc.edu/umbcs-gloria-chuku-receives-international-award-for-influential-scholarship-in-africana-studies/
The award honors the legacy of Kenyan-born professor Ali Mazrui, known for his research on African history and critical analysis of western influence in Africa. It acknowledges scholars whose academic work is substantial, rigorous, and original, and has a far-reaching impact on one or more disciplines within African(a) studies.
Chuku was honored as the first woman to receive the award at a special event during this year’s TOFAC gathering, held in July at the Adeyemi College of Education, in Ondo, Nigeria. Previous recipients include Nimi Wariboko, professor of social ethics at Boston University School of Theology, and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni, founder of the Africa Decolonial Research Network at the University of South Africa.
Congratulations, Dr. Chuku!
To read more about Dr. Chuku's work, please visit the latest issue of UMBC News: http://news.umbc.edu/umbcs-gloria-chuku-receives-international-award-for-influential-scholarship-in-africana-studies/
Posted: August 29, 2017, 11:17 AM