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Help Fill UMBC's 50th Anniversary Time Capsule!

Submit All Items to Commons 336 by Friday, October 28th

by Craig Berger

As a part of celebrating UMBC's 50th Anniversary this fall, Student Life is organizing a time capsule to be opened at UMBC's 100th anniversary celebration in 2066. We're calling on all members of the campus community to submit items (e.g., letters, artifacts, and pictures) that reflect UMBC as it is today and that are not readily found in the UMBC Archives.

We're asking for your assistance with spreading this call for artifacts to all corners of the UMBC community. 

Here are some questions UMBC community members may have regarding the time capsule along with answers:

How do I submit something? 

  • Please bring all items to Student Life, Commons 336, by October 28, 2016Each item should be accompanied by a 3x5 index card explaining what the item is, the significance of the item, and the name, campus role, and contact information of the submitter.

  • If you have an item that is either too big or too valuable to put in the time capsule, please take the item to commonvision (Commons 309) to be photographed and considered for inclusion in the time capsule with the completed 3x5 index card.

Who should submit?

  • Anyone from the UMBC community is invited to contribute items such as letters, artifacts, and pictures for consideration to be included in the time capsule.

  • We encourage people to work together to submit on behalf of a student organization, office, department, class, or group.

When will the time capsule be sealed and reopened?

  • The time capsule will be sealed in the Fall of 2016 and opened 50 years later in 2066.

Where will the time capsule live for 50 years? 

  • The time capsule will be on display in The Commons lobby.

Who will determine what gets included and what doesn't?

  • A small committee of students, faculty, and staff will review all submissions for the time capsule and determine will be included in its original form.

  • Any submissions not included in their original form will be scanned and added to the digital archives (i.e., stored electronically) and a note will be included in the time capsule about this digital archive.

Where should I direct my questions?

Posted: October 13, 2016, 10:01 PM