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UMBC's Collin Wojciechowski Named USM Student Regent

UMBC sophomore Collin Wojciechowski (Real People Profile here) is going to be taking on some huge responsibilities in the coming year.  In a state university system with 13 institutions, 168,000 students and an operating budget of over $4 billion, he's going to be the one student with a voice and a vote on the official governing board.  Collin has been appointed by Governor O’Malley to be the University System of Maryland's Student Regent for 2011-2012.

The Regents have tremendous power to support and improve higher education in this state. Their decisions on matters including tuition and fees, the hiring of university presidents and the creation of new schools and programs will affect students for generations. Having the Student Regent position filled by a UMBC student creates opportunities for all other UMBC students to share their concerns and priorities with somebody with a voice and a vote where it counts.  

Collin will be the third UMBC student to serve in the role.  Phil Shockley (2003-2004) and Josh Michael (2008-2009) also served while they were UMBC undergraduates.

Collin is an approachable, self-deprecating person who has devoted himself to studying, writing about and helping to shape state policy.  In high school he served as the student member of his county Board of Education.  At UMBC he's a Sondheim Scholar, SGA's Director of Government and Community Affairs, and Opinion Editor of The Retriever Weekly.  Last fall he was a student in the course on social change I teach with Delana Gregg (that's POLI 205/AMST 205/SOCY 205, for those of you about to start registering for fall 2011 courses).  He's going to be a great ambassador and resource for UMBC.  Congratulations, Collin!

Posted: April 3, 2011, 3:33 PM