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Super Human Moments: What Did I Get Myself Into?

Everyone has had them: moments when things have gone wrong partly because of our own lack of experience or perspective.  In this new series of posts, I'm asking members of the UMBC community to reflect on their own 'super human moments.'

Name: Mitch Case

Q: What is your current title (job or student organization position)?

A: Director of Communications for College Democrats, USDemocrazy blogger, Creative Services intern, and Assistant Director of Public Relations for SGA

Q: In 12 words or less, what role(s) do you play on campus?

A: I blog, post, plan, and organize for SGA, College Democrats, and USDemocrazy.net

Q: What title would you give your Super Human Moment?

A: "What did I get myself into?"

Q: What happened?

A: Last year I transfered to UMBC, and in hopes to be more involved I joined the Student Government Association.  I started off as a blogger but towards the end of the semester I was asked to take on some additional responsibility, specifically being the lead on Project Black and Gold.  At the time, I was a little unsure of the requirements of the project...I agreed nonetheless.  In the coming weeks I found out exactly what I signed up for and asked "what did I get myself into?"

The end goal of the project was to install black and gold colored banners around campus to inspire school spirit.  It turned out that Project Black and Gold was the latest incarnation of a project which had been years in the making and had failed at least two times before.  Now it was up to me to make sure it didn't go down hill yet again.  I found myself working with other students, administrators, an outside company, and facilities' staff to guarantee the success of the project.

To me, the hardest part of the process was the interaction with so many new people.  I find myself to be a quiet person and enjoy working behind the scenes.  In this case, standing on the sidelines wasn't an option so I had to embrace my role.  I learned that if needed, I could take the lead and reach out to necessary people.  After some nervousness, frustration, and a whole lot of new faces the banners were installed prior to Fall 2010.

Q: How have you applied what you learned?

A: This experience opened me up to a lot of new opportunities and just as many new faces.  I'm less hesitant to reach out to the necessary people in dealing with projects and other tasks.  It is experience I can use almost anywhere in my life whether inside or outside of the classroom.

Q: Do you have any advice you can pass along to others?

A: I'd encourage others who are introverted to reach out when it is necessary.  There are times when you won't be able to get things done if you don't speak up.

Posted: March 1, 2011, 12:42 PM