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Join the SGA Senate for 2011-2012

It's time to apply for elected positions in SGA for 2011-2012.  In this and other posts this week, I'm looking at what it's like to serve in the various positions now available.

The Senate is SGA’s engine for collecting ideas from students and turning them into campus change initiatives.  Members meet weekly to discuss and develop initiatives, talk with campus administrators and take positions on issues.  But most of the Senate’s work takes place between the weekly meetings.  Members spend time talking with students, representing all undergraduates on university committees, meeting in project working groups and doing the follow-up needed to get initiatives off the ground.  This year’s Senate has been working with campus officials on the development of a new 24/7 study space in the Albin O. Kuhn Library; a program to help students at risk of leaving UMBC due to financial needs; and new resources to support students who have not declared majors.  The Senate also is exploring ways to extend campus services on weekends and boost campus spirit (you may remember a certain flash mob before fall final exams).  It can be both challenging and exhilarating to serve as a Senator because, by necessity, you learn so much about UMBC’s structure and decision-making processes as well as many specific issues.

My favorite things about the Senate: Senators are in the thick of the action.  They are constantly imagining and planning UMBC’s future alongside fellow students and campus leaders.  They have the flexibility to tackle initiatives that really motivate them and have the potential to make a difference for students.

For a more detailed description of the Senate’s structure and responsibilities (posted before last year’s election), click here.  To apply to run for Senate for 2011-2012, click here.  For a look at past election results, follow the links: 2010 election2009 election2008 election.

Posted: February 23, 2011, 1:27 PM