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Join the SGA Finance Board for 2011-2012

It's time to apply for elected positions in SGA for 2011-2012.  In this and other posts this week, I'm looking at what it's like to serve in the various positions now available.

The Finance Board is the branch of SGA that provides funds to support student organization activities: nearly $200,000 this year.  Most of the Finance Board’s work is done at weekly meetings, where student organization leaders present requests and Finance Board members ask questions and make decisions.  These meetings, which take place Tuesdays starting at 5:30 p.m., can be both long and intense.  Finance Board members have to wrestle with complex issues: applying university policies, striking a balance between supporting amazing events and stretching funds across the entire year, thinking about the precedent-setting impact of their decisions.  But they have a lot of fun too, partly because it’s so interactive and engaging.

My favorite things about the Finance Board:  A lot of campus life passes through the Finance Board.  Members get to brainstorm with student organization leaders and then see the resulting programs and activities, so they have a strong sense of their impact.   Discussions are not just about money but about vision, philosophy and priorities.

For a more detailed description of the Finance Board’s structure and responsibilities (posted before last year’s election), click here.  To apply to run for Finance Board for 2011-2012, click here. For a look at past election results, follow the links: 2010 election2009 election2008 election.

Posted: February 22, 2011, 11:27 AM