Dr. Deluty's 48th book is here! "Worthy of Consideration"
Graduate School Associate Dean, Professor, Poet, & Writer
The Graduate School at UMBC congratulates our Associate Dean, Dr. Robert Deluty on the publication of his 48th book! The book, "Worthy of Consideration," is a collection of short poems. In addition to being our Associate Dean, Dr. Deluty is a member of the faculty in the Department of Psychology. Dr. Deluty is a beloved member of the graduate community; he connects regularly with graduate students through the "Poetry and Sushi" readings sponsored by UMBC's Graduate Students Association, and other programs. Some of these programs include his participation as the featured speaker at annual PROMISE seminars such as the "Understanding Feelings of Stress" coffee hour held each December, and the "Life/Work Balance" lunch held each August.
A review of Worthy of Consideration:
“Robert Deluty's poetry encourages us to re-examine our ordinary waking moments, to see them as precious--indeed, as profoundly ‘worthy of consideration.’ He magnifies seemingly mundane sounds, sights, tastes, and feelings, allowing us to breathe anew. With mere fragments
of lines, he gently prods us to change for the better by not taking our lives, and those of others,
for granted.”
Joseph L. DeVitis, Ph.D.,
Co-Editor, School Reform Critics: The Struggle for Democratic Schooling and Today's College Students
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Deluty!
- Read more about Dr. Deluty's newest book on UMBC's article in Insights: https://umbcinsights.wordpress.com/2015/04/09/robert-deluty-graduate-school-publishes-his-48th-book/
- Additional information and reviews can be found in the attached announcement.
- A list of books can be found here: http://psychology.umbc.edu/people/corefaculty/deluty/dr-delutys-books/
- Dr. Deluty's books are available at the UMBC book store.
Posted: April 12, 2015, 10:03 PM