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A Class on Co-Creating UMBC

by David Hoffman

When I was in college, I wanted to live a life that mattered to more than my immediate family and circle of friends, but I had no real idea how to do it. I wanted to act on my passions, but it was not like my jumble of preferences, intuitions and emotions could be resolved easily into a list of causes. Plus the menu of options for involvement--vote, volunteer, run for public office--seemed limited. How could I find room to be creative and authentic, and not just a cog in a machine? How could I devote myself to a cause in a way that would have real, beneficial consequences?

If you're an undergraduate interested in exploring these questions, there's a course designed for you. I teach it with my Co-Create UMBC coauthor Craig Berger:

Civic Agency & Social Entrepreneurship (AMST 205/POLI 205/SOCY 205)
3 credits
Fall 2015 -- TuTh 11:30-12:45

The two of us have plenty of stories and ideas to share, but the real purpose of the course is to build your clarity, confidence and skills as you live the experience of becoming an agent of positive change at UMBC. Bring your desire to make a difference; we'll help you identify your passions and channel your hopes into practical projects that you will envision and develop. Projects created by students in previous semesters have included putting up fiberglass Retriever statues around campus with designs reflecting UMBC's values and diversity, setting up new applied research opportunities for UMBC undergraduates, developing new health and wellness resources for UMBC students, installing hydration stations to discourage bottled water use on campus, and expanding campus food options. 

If you have questions about this course, feel free to email me (David Hoffman, dhoffman@umbc.edu). I hope to see you in class in the fall!

Note: Another great class for aspiring leaders and social change agents, Foundations of Leadership Development (EDUC 216/PSYC 216), will next be offered in spring 2016 (not fall 2015 as previously expected). We'll share more information about that course in October.

Co-Create UMBC is a blog for and about UMBC, written by David Hoffman and Craig Berger from the Office of Student Life. Join the Co-Create UMBC group on MyUMBC. Like Co-Create UMBC on Facebook. And follow David and Craig on Twitter.

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Posted: April 6, 2015, 9:02 AM