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Opportunities to Make UMBC Yours (Campus Involvement)

by Craig Berger

Several leadership and involvement opportunities are now open to students at UMBC. If you want to make friends, build your leadership skills and work with others to make a meaningful difference on campus, check out these opportunities:

myUMBC Open Forum and Preview of New myUMBC

Members of the team managing and supporting myUMBC are working with members of SGA's Student Organization Support team to plan an open forum for UMBC students this Wednesday, February 11, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Skylight Room (The Commons). In addition to providing feedback on their experience with myUMBC. students can also get a sneak peek at the new myUMBC from the Architect of myUMBC, Collier Jones.

This event is also going to be especially helpful to officers and members of student organizations, as there will be an opportunity to offer feedback on how myUMBC can be a better platform for student organizations to communicate and work with each other.

Prior to attending, you can offer some feedback regarding your myUMBC experience by completing this very short survey, and RSVP for the event here. And, as if you needed one more reason to attend, dinner will be provided.

Student Government Association First Year Ambassadors

First Year Ambassadors serve in the SGA Senate, Finance Board and Executive Branch.  They have all of the responsibilities of other SGA officers (except that First Year Ambassadors serving in the Senate and Finance Board do not vote), but receive special training and opportunities to learn about SGA's and UMBC's structure and operations.  In addition, First Year Ambassadors have the opportunity to represent SGA on the First Year Council. This opportunity is open to all students in their first year at UMBC.

Questions? Contact Bentley Corbett-Wilson, Director of SGA's Leadership Development department, at bcorbet1@umbc.edu
To apply to join SGA as a First Year Ambassador, follow this link: First Year Ambassador Application. All applications are due Friday, February 13 at 11:59 p.m.

Join the New Student Orientation "O-Team"

As an O-team member, you'll have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the experiences of our new students by guiding them through their transition and sharing your own personal experiences and pride in UMBC. 

The O-Team consists of leaders for Orientation Course Selection Day (Orientation Peer Advisors), Welcome Week (Woolies) and Introduction to an Honors University courses (Peer Facilitators). While the specific responsibilities of the "OPAs" (Orientation Peer Advisors), the "Woolies" (Welcome Week Leaders) and "Peer Facilitators" (IHU/TRS course co-instructors) are different, the overriding role is the same—serve as a role model and a source of support and information for new freshman and transfer students. 

You may be considered for all three positions through the O-Team application and interview process though you should think about which position suits you best. Students of all backgrounds, majors, involvements and interests are encouraged to apply. The selection committee is looking for academically qualified candidates who are knowledgeable about the university and willing to share their experiences with new students. 

If you have additional questions, you can send an e-mail to orientationteam@umbc.edu. The application can be found here and is due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 20.

Elect Her--Campus Women Win

Elect Her–Campus Women Win is the only program in the country that encourages and trains college women to run for student government and future political office. UMBC's Women Involved in Learning and Leadership (WILL) is bringing Elect Her to campus on Saturday, February 21 from 10:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. 

In this program, you will learn how to figure out what your message and platform is, how to craft a communication strategy that works, and you'll hear from campus and community leaders about what it takes to win. These skills will be applicable not only for running for office, but for helping advance your student organization, make good arguments on the job, and develop confidence in your skills as a leader. The training is open to all students of all genders. Register by following this link:  Elect Her--Campus Women Win Registration

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kate Drabinski, WILL Director, at drabinsk@umbc.edu.

Co-Create UMBC is a blog for and about UMBC, written by David Hoffman and Craig Berger from the Office of Student Life. Join the Co-Create UMBC group on MyUMBC. Like Co-Create UMBC on Facebook. And follow David and Craig on Twitter.

Posted: February 8, 2015, 2:25 PM