NSF Survey for UMBC's graduate students - state-wide effort
$$$ Amazon Gift Cards $$$
Dear Graduate Students at UMBC,
As part of the National Science Foundation grant supporting PROMISE: Maryland’s AGEP, University of Maryland College Park faculty members are conducting a multi-campus survey study of how graduate students are supported by their programs in pursuit of their career goals. To participate, please go to the following website. We recommend using a stable internet connection and using the same device to begin and finish participation.
Survey Link: https://umdsurvey.umd.edu/SE/?SID=SV_0oBN4RIqKfg4K8d
Incentives: Survey completion incentives include the option to enter drawings for Amazon gift cards in several denominations (be sure to enter via a link on the final page of the survey).
· Those who completed the survey by October 13, 2014, had a chance to win one $500 Amazon card
· Those who complete the survey by October 20, 2014 may enter to win one $100 Amazon card (one winner per campus; those who do not win will continue to be eligible for all subsequent drawings).
· Those who complete the survey by October 24, 2014 may enter to win one $50 Amazon card per campus (one winner per campus; this will be the final drawing).
will agree to our consent form and take an online survey that takes 20 minutes
to complete. Questions will focus on the perspectives you have adopted, and the
actions that you have taken to pursue your career goals. We will also ask about
aspects of your department environment, and your field/discipline that
influence your career choice.
The data used for this study will only be reported in aggregate, so your name and identity will never appear in any reports that result from the project. The study will, however, help our research more broadly understand how graduate students develop their career aspirations and what departments, faculty, and external agencies can do to support them.
Please contact the PROMISE: Maryland's AGEP Research Team with any questions or concerns: promisestudymd@gmail.com
Best regards,
Renetta Tull
Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Student Development & Postdoctoral Affairs
Posted: October 14, 2014, 4:51 PM