Do you know about the career/life balance policies for GAs?
As a graduate student you are entitled to different benefits
Sick Leave
If a GA becomes ill, sick leave should be supported collegially, up to 40 hours during the contract year (this includes summer term for GAs supported during the summer session). After four consecutive days of sick leave, the supervisor may require the GA to provide a letter from a physician or other licensed health care professional that states (1) the nature of the illness; (2) that the GA can or cannot return to work for health reasons; and, (3) the duration of the required sick leave. This letter can be submitted upon the GA’s return to work. Sick days should be recorded on time sheets using standard leave codes.
Maternity Leave
Maternity leave is not regarded as sick leave. If maternity leave is required, it should be discussed with the GA’s Graduate Program Director or supervisor as soon as possible. Whereas maternity leave arrangements should be made to fit the individual circumstances, all arrangements must include a 6 week minimum post birth recovery period. Leave arrangements greater than 10 weeks require extenuating circumstances. All maternity leave agreements must be approved by the Associate Dean of the Graduate School. A central pool of funding will be available to reimburse, upon request from the department, the cost of stipends of GAs on maternity leave.
Posted: September 9, 2014, 2:30 PM