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December GSA Senate Meeting

Important Announcements

LLC Students - Please see below for information from the December GSA Senate meeting

- January 10 and 11, 2014 Dependable Strengths Workshop, GSA will pay for the first 20 graduate students to register

- February 12, 2014, 5:30-7:00 pm, Men's Basketball Cookout, all Graduate Students are invited

- March 26, 2014, Graduate Research Conference, please register by February 15th at http://gsa.umbc.edu/grc-2/

Please congratulate Jesse Fox (Biology) for his new position as University System of Maryland Student Council President and Inte'a DeShields (LLC) for being UMBC's Student Regent Nominee. These are great accomplishments and no other UMBC graduate student has ever served in these positions

The new Director of Athletics, Tim Hall, spoke at the Senate meeting and requested that graduate students contact him at halltw@umbc.edu with any ideas on how to make the RAC more attractive for graduate student.

If you should have any concerns that you would like to bring before the GSA Senate, feel free to send an email to Romy at romy.huebler@umbc.edu.

Posted: December 5, 2013, 12:27 PM