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Tentative LLC Course Offerings

Winter and Spring 2014

WINTER 2014:

LLC 750    Mallinson    Discourse Analysis
(Hybrid course: Wednesdays in class from 1-4 pm. Rest of week on-line.)

This course provides an overview of the area of study collectively known as discourse analysis, drawing on interdisciplinary theories and methodologies. Students will be prepared to conduct critical, close readings of spoken and written texts, will analyze how power and ideology circulate through language, and compare methods to select the most useful to fit their own research interests.

SPRING 2014:

LLC 621    Galindo    Immigration, Race & Society        Wed 4:30
LLC 646    Galindo    Quantitative Research Methods II      ??
LLC 660    Larkey     Theories of Intercultural Communication    Tue  4:30
LLC 701    Bickel      Introduction to LLC II            Thu  4:30
LLC 745    Saper      Methods of LLC Research II        Mon 4:30

Posted: August 26, 2013, 11:34 AM