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Join/Nominate the First Year Council

The First Year Council is a forum for first-year UMBC students to learn, grow, contribute, and have fun together.  With guidance from an experienced student leader and support from advisors in the Office of Student Life (including me), FYC members participate activities that help them get connected and make a difference on campus. 

To join the First Year Council, new UMBC students can be nominated by any student organization on campus.  Here is how Sunaina Khandelwal, the student leader who will be working with this year's FYC, describes the opportunity: 
Every year, the Office of Student Life assembles a First Year Council to give freshman and new transfers an opportunity to meet other motivated peers, get involved on campus, develop leadership skills and assume leadership and responsibility to make a difference at UMBC.
New members get nominated to the council by the Executive Board of each student organization. So,
Freshman and Transfers: If you want to become a leader in the beginning of your UMBC career, get a member of the executive board of an organization that you are part of, to fill out the attachment form with this email if you want to be part of the best.
Exec Boards: Identify your most motivated freshmen and transfer members and give them an opportunity to develop themselves. This way, you will also be identifying a representative for your organization for the entire freshman community.
To obtain a form, or if you have any questions, email Sunaina at khasun1@umbc.edu.  The deadline is this Friday, October 1st.  You can submit the forms via email to Sunaina, or in hard copy to my office: Commons 2B12 (slip them under the door if I'm not in).

Posted: September 27, 2010, 2:33 PM