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Real People Profiles: Jerilyn Johnson

I’m asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty and staff, to answer a few questions about themselves and their experiences. These are their responses. 

Name: Jerilyn Johnson

Hometown: Ellicott City, MD.

Q: How long have you been at UMBC?

 A:  2 1/2 years.

Q:  What is your current title (job or student organization position)? 

A:   Administrative Assistant.

Q: In 12 words or less, what role(s) do you play on campus? 

A: Provide administrative support to the Director of Student Life.

Q: What aspect of your UMBC role(s) do you enjoy most? 

A:Believe it or not I enjoy the rush of preparing for major events and ordering all the cool stuff that will be used during Quadmania, Welcome Week, Involvement Fest and Homecoming.  I enjoy rolling up my sleeves and pitching in for those events.  I feel like I have the art of grilling hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill down to a fine science.  It brings me satisfaction when I look out of my office window and see the big white tent, tables and chairs I ordered for Convocation all set up and ready to go.  I also have a absolute blast shopping and creating theme gift boxes to be raffled off during Big Crazy Fun Night! My position doesn't give me a lot of opportunity to work directly with the students, so when I do get a chance, I really enjoy it, for they bring such great energy to the day..

Q: What is the most important or memorable thing you learned in college/have learned at UMBC? 

A: I volunteered to be a learning partner for the Alternative Spring Break event "A Day in the life of the homeless".  There were several groups participating and we lived in the streets of Baltimore for one full day.  In addition, we were given roles to play and goals to meet.  The only things we had to meet our needs were a bus pass and $2.00 dollars. We ate at a homeless shelter, use restrooms in restaurants, sat on cold concrete and were often turned away when we tried to seek help.  It was a real eye opener and it was fun to watch the students really embrace the experience as we all learned so much that day.  Finally the day ended around 10 PM and I remember walking to my car anxiously looking forward to the ride home just so I could have something soft to sit on and cut on the heat.  After finally getting home, eating a meal, enjoying a hot shower and climbing into a nice soft bed, I was reminded of the many reasons I am so very thankful.  However,  I will always remember and have an even greater understanding and compassion for those who live homeless every day.

Q: Complete this sentence: “I am a big fan of __________” 

A: The Baltimore Ravens!  I have followed the Ravens for years and just love our team.  Last year I treated my husband to the "big game" against the Steelers.  It was electrifying from start to finish.  It so cold, but we didn't care, we just wanted to be there to cheer them to victory.  Although it turned out to be a closer game than we would have liked, we managed to pull it out in the end.  One of these days, I plan to make my basement into a  Ravens Sports Zone!

Q: Do you have any UMBC stories, little-known facts about UMBC, favorite spots on campus, or anything else you’d like to share? 

A:  My first year here on campus, I volunteered to work at the commencement ceremony at the 1st Mariner.  As I watched the graduates walk across the stage and receive their diploma, I was so inspired.  When I came to UMBC, I had already obtained 46 college credits, but circumstances in life caused me to put my education on hold.  I always wanted to go back, but the timing never seemed right.  However as they called out each name during that ceremony, I started envisioning myself walking across the stage.  I came back to the office and within that first week, I began exploring my options.  I am happy to say that I am currently enrolled at University of Maryland, University College pursing my Bachelor's degree in Communications.

Posted: September 27, 2010, 10:09 AM