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Real People Profiles: Cindy Greenwood

We're asking some of the people you might encounter on the UMBC campus, including students, faculty, staff and alumni, to answer a few questions about themselves and their experiences. These are their responses.

Name: Cindy Greenwood

Hometown: Ishpeming, Michigan

Q: How long have you been at UMBC?

A: Since January 2011. 

Q: What is your current title (job or student organization position)?

A: I am the Alumni Programming Coordinator and also advisor to the Student Alumni Association and the UMBC Vegetarians student groups.

Q: In 12 words or less, what role(s) do you play on campus? 

A: I am a connector among alumni, students, and the UMBC campus.

Q: What aspect of your UMBC role(s) do you enjoy most?

A: My favorite aspect of being at UMBC are all the amazing people I get to work with in various ways.  My co-workers are great, the students in SAA and the UMBC Vegetarians are impressive and fun, colleagues across campus have been so open and collaborative, and even many months after my experience as a STRiVE coach, I continue to be impressed by the bonds created among those who were there and the relationships that have continued. 

Q: What is the most important or memorable thing you learned in college/have learned at UMBC?

A: One important thing I learned while in college was that I didn't have to do things in traditional, expected, or safe ways all the time.  Taking risks and following your gut can bring you places you never expected.  For me, that started with studying abroad in Australia, then moving across the country from Michigan where I had always lived to grad school in Washington state.  From there, I've pretty much created my own path through life and am so thankful for all the experiences I've had because of that.

Q: Complete this sentence: "I am a big fan of __________"

A: Waterfalls, hammocks, fireworks, beaches, football (especially the Packers), pizza, and so many more things!

Q: Do you have any UMBC stories, little-known facts about UMBC, favorite spots on campus, or anything else you’d like to share?

A: As of now, the Student Alumni Association is still a little-known entity at UMBC, but I'm looking forward to that changing as the group grows and contributes great things to our campus.  The purpose of this student group is twofold:  1) to connect students with alumni in various ways and 2) to promote spirit and traditions on campus.  The group has only been a recognized student organization since the spring 2012 semester, but the founding members continually make me smile with their great ideas and enthusiasm.  Keep an eye out for them this semester on campus and come check out some of their events! 

Also, everyone should check out Baltimore VegFest, typically held in April on Erickson Field, which is co-sponsored by the UMBC Vegetarians and the Humane League.  There's awesome stuff there for everyone, whether you eat meat or not!

Co-Create UMBC is a blog for and about UMBC, written by David Hoffman and Craig Berger from the Office of Student Life. Join the Co-Create UMBC group on MyUMBC. Like Co-Create UMBC on Facebook. And follow David and Craig on Twitter.

Posted: September 23, 2012, 7:39 PM