Scenes from the SGA Inauguration
The officers elected in last month's record-breaking SGA election were sworn in today in a public ceremony on the Quad.
2011-2012 SGA President Catie Collins kicked off the event |
SGA Supreme Court Chief Judge Advocate Taylor Good swears in 2012-2013 Finance Board members Mani Gupta and Damani Lewis |
2012-2013 SGA Executive Vice President Kian Larijani |
2011-2012 SGA Finance Board Chair Michelle Kuah takes the oath for her new position as 2012-2013 Vice President for Student Organizations |
2012-2013 SGA Treasurer Chisom Ebinama after taking his oath |
2012-2013 SGA President Kaylesh Ramu addresses the assembled |
After the oaths and the President's speech: lunch time |
2012-2013 SGA President Kaylesh Ramu |
2011-2012 SGA Senate Speaker Hamza Siddiqui and Senator Kaitlyn Snyder |
UMBC staff member Collier Jones, architect of MyUMBC, an important behind-the-scenes supporter of campus life |
Posted: May 9, 2012, 3:24 PM