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Scenes from the SGA Inauguration

The officers elected in last month's record-breaking SGA election were sworn in today in a public ceremony on the Quad.

2011-2012 SGA President Catie Collins kicked off the event

2012-2013 SGA Senators Jasmine Wands, Fabian Omenankiti,
Angela Mensah, Morgan Russo, Max Barnhart, Tyler McCafferty,
Rebbeca Behnke, Amaedi Etukudo, Hannah Khan, Valerie Parks
and Ganesh Mysore take the oath of office.

SGA Supreme Court Chief  Judge Advocate Taylor Good swears in
2012-2013 Finance Board members Mani Gupta and Damani Lewis
2012-2013 SGA Executive Vice President Kian Larijani
2011-2012 SGA Finance Board Chair Michelle Kuah takes the oath for
her new position as 2012-2013 Vice President for Student Organizations
2012-2013 SGA Treasurer Chisom Ebinama after taking his oath
2012-2013 SGA President Kaylesh Ramu addresses the assembled
After the oaths and the President's speech: lunch time
2012-2013 SGA President Kaylesh Ramu
2011-2012 SGA Senate Speaker Hamza Siddiqui and Senator Kaitlyn Snyder
UMBC staff member Collier Jones, architect of MyUMBC,
an important behind-the-scenes supporter of campus life


Posted: May 9, 2012, 3:24 PM