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Represent Undergrads on Student Activities Fee Board

The Student Activities Fee is the smallest of the six mandatory fees paid each semester by every UMBC undergraduate, but it goes a long way. The Student Activities Fee pays for the programs created by the Student Events Board, all student organization events funded through the SGA Finance Board, The Retriever Weekly, SGA's programs and operations, and two full-time staff members.  It also helps pay for the STRiVE leadership retreat, Welcome Week, Celebrate Black & Gold and other UMBC programs for students.

SGA, SEB and The Retriever Weekly develop plans for putting the fee to use each year, and those plans must be approved by the Student Activities Fee Review Board, a group composed of student, faculty and staff representatives chaired by UMBC's Vice President for Student Affairs.  Three student positions (two members and one alternate) are available for 2012-2013.  See below for an invitation and additional details from Joe Regier, Executive Direct of The Commons, and consider applying.


The Student Activities Fees Review Board (SAFRB) is seeking an applicant to serve on the board whose active participation is anticipated for a two-year term. In accordance with Board of Regents Policy 110.0 V-100-Policy on Student Affairs, the SAFRB is established to review the allocation of the Student Activities Fee as proposed by the Student Government Association and various other student fee funded organizations. The SAFRB is further charged with determining formats, guidelines, criteria, and procedures for the submission of budget proposals and allocation of the Student Activities Fee at UMBC.

The Board shall have the authority to recommend the proposed budget to the President for approval, or to remand the proposed budgets back to the SGA and organizations for reconsideration.

The SAFRB typically meets five (5) times during the spring semester during free hour and as necessary during the fall semester to address special budgetary considerations. The first scheduled meeting for the coming year is February 8, 2013, (12:00 noon-1:00 pm). SAFRB meetings are scheduled thereafter concluding in late April or early May. The appointed applicant must be available for the important budget process orientation at the first meeting of the spring semester.

If you are interested in applying, please compose a paragraph highlighting your college/campus affiliations, extracurricular activities, and interest in serving. This can be forwarded to my e-mail address, regier@umbc.edu, or you may drop the information by my office in Suite 335 of The Commons. Please be sure to include current contact information in your paragraph of application.

After a review of applicants’ materials, a committee will forward the nominee’s name to the Vice-President for Student Affairs (SAFRB Chairperson) for consideration. The successful nominee will be informed by e-mail.

As mentioned previously, the work of the board will focus on budget review and the student government process.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Joe Regier
Executive Director - The Commons

Posted: May 4, 2012, 1:08 PM