Scientist media training - Submit application by August 15
Sharing your science with reporters this election season
Space is limited and open only to U.S.-based scientists with a doctoral-level degree or working as university faculty. Request a training slot in YOUR discipline area by August 15.
Six sessions available in September
News coverage of political issues tends to focus on opinions and attitudes when, in fact, there are often large bodies of research and data that can provide valuable context to news consumers as they consider which policies or candidates to support.
Sharing your knowledge of that research with journalists is one way you can help get facts and evidence into the hands of the public. But speaking to the media about hot-button issues can be intimidating, especially if you don’t have much experience.
SciLine is here to help. This September, we’re offering a lineup of virtual, half-day, no-cost media trainings—each tailored to the needs of scientists working in different topic areas that will be in the media spotlight ahead of November’s election. Trainings will be available for scientists with expertise in:
- Immigration (September 5)
- Energy resources and climate change (September 10)
- Reproductive health care (September 12)
- Economic outlook, equity, and mobility (September 17)
- Crime and safety (September 19)
- Election security and voter behavior (September 24)
All trainings will be held from 12 noon to 4 p.m. ET (9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT)
Through presentations, discussions, and group activities tailored to each topic area, trainings will cover:
- The importance of speaking to the media;
- How to use accessible language;
- Basics about the U.S. media landscape and best practices for interacting within it;
- Developing your core messages; and
- How to handle uncomfortable interview situations.
Space is limited and open only to U.S.-based scientists with a doctoral-level degree or working as university faculty.
Request a training slot in YOUR discipline area by August 15. We’ll be in touch by August 21 to let you know if you have a seat!

Posted: July 31, 2024, 11:09 AM