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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Join the Take The Moment Campaign

Each year, millions of people navigate the lived experience of mental illness.  UMBC's Office of Accessibility and Disability Services, in solidarity with Student Disability Services, joins the movement  with its many departmental partnerships, to promote mental health awareness, fight stigma, and provide support. One in five people will have a mental health diagnosis in their lifetime.  We are in this together, indeed, we are stronger together for mental health.

In addition to UMBC's NAMI student organization's outreach, to  end the stigma toward mental health, behavioral health or substance use disorders - On Our Own of Maryland's Distorted Perceptions/Refocus Look Again Campaign is a local Anti-Stigma initiative that supports mental health with local outreach to end stigma.  More information on their campaign is linked here.

In addition to the information above, UMBC has many resources and opportunities outlined here:

Students (undergraduate and graduate) groups and resources include:

If a campus member's health situation changes (such as a recent injury or diagnosis, they can apply for, or update academic accommodation requests via Student Disability Services (link) and work-related accommodations via Accessibility & Disability Services (link).  ADS works in partnership with HR for faculty, staff and student employee job-related situations.


While some 24 hour resources are provided, it's important to know that  anyone can have a moment of crisis, and are people available to listen and help via the following resources:

Have a safe and healthy month!

A thumbnail photo of tiles spelling out  MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS is displayed; credit Marcel Straub via  Unsplash

Posted: May 2, 2024, 10:38 AM