LLC Program hosts Dr. Nessette Falu for a virtual book talk:
Unseen Flesh, Gynecology and Black Queer Worth-Making
Dr. Nessette Falu, Assistant Professor, Africa and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, will be discussing her new book, Unseen Flesh, on Tuesday, April 16th from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at this virtual link:
From 2002-2019, Dr. Falu worked as a Physician Assistant in neurosurgery,
internal medicine, HIV care, hematology/oncology, and pain management that has deeply informed her ongoing research and
Her book explores how Black lesbians in Brazil define and sustain their
well-being and self-worth against persistent racial, sexual, class, and
gender-based prejudice. Demonstrating how the racist and heteronormative
underpinnings of gynecology erase Black lesbian subjecthood through
mental, emotional, and physical traumas, Falu explores the daily
resistance and abolitionist practices of worth-making that claim and
sustain Black queer identity and living.
Please see the flyer for details.
Posted: April 10, 2024, 5:33 PM