All of Us Research Program
Good afternoon,
I am happy to invite you to UMBC's All of Us Research Program Showcase, held on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 from 10am-2pm EST virtually via WebEx.
In collaboration with the National Institute of Health’s All of Us Research Program, UMBC’s All of Us Research Program Showcase aims to highlight and celebrate local Marylanders’ research and allow them to discuss the impact the program’s datasets had on their work.
Below is a brief agenda for the event:
In collaboration with the National Institute of Health’s All of Us Research Program, UMBC’s All of Us Research Program Showcase aims to highlight and celebrate local Marylanders’ research and allow them to discuss the impact the program’s datasets had on their work.
Below is a brief agenda for the event:
10:00: Dr. Sally Adebamowo (University of Maryland, Baltimore): Social Determinants of Health and Cancer in US Populations
10:30: Dr. Daniel Smolyak (University of Maryland, College Park): Advancing Health Disparity Research with the All of Us Research Program: A Hypertension Case Study
11:00: Dr. Manas Gaur (University of Maryland, Baltimore County): SAFEX: SAFe and EXplainable Question Generation for Mental Health
11:30: Dr. Marilyn Berchie-Gialamas (Morgan State University): Racial Differences in Postpartum Depression Treatment Utilization
12:00-1:00: Dr. Eric Stokan (University of Maryland, Baltimore County): Enhancing Your All of Us Research Using R: A Q&A Session
1:00: Dr. Minnkyong (Minnky) Lee, Deputy Chief Engagement Officer, Acting Community and Participant Engagement Branch Chief All of Us Research Program (Keynote speaker)
I've attached the symposium’s flier to this email. Feel free to share with your network as you see fit.
Posted: April 9, 2024, 12:36 PM