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Wednesday Wisdom Series

Introducing the Graduate School CARE team

In an effort to better support the mental health and well being of our graduate student population, the Graduate School CARE team (Concern, Assessment, Referral and Education) was created to identify, monitor, and support graduate students facing significant obstacles to progress that do not rise to the level of the campus behavioral crisis team (BRACT). Members of the CARE team directly advise and support graduate students, advocate for them and liaise with their program/dept as requested, and refer/connect them to resources on campus that can assist them. As necessary, the CARE team triages with other campus units including BRACT, ISS/CGS, legal, OEI, and RIH. 

As trends arise, the CARE team can make recommendations for changes in practice and policy (to the Graduate School, to the Colleges, etc.) that improve student mental health, success and sense of belonging.

To learn more about the CARE team, visit their web page: https://gradschool.umbc.edu/resources/care-team/

Posted: April 2, 2024, 2:53 PM