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GAAC Meet and Confer w. CNMS Dean and Department Chairs

CNMS GAs, Last 3 days to voice your concerns !!!

What is Meet and Confer (M&C)?

Meet and Confer (M&C) is a policy within the University System of Maryland (USM) that allows Graduate Assistants to participate in formal discussions with the administration regarding employment-related matters, including compensation and benefits. To learn more about M&C, please visit the UMBC website.

M&C Meetings- Spring '24

This year, we have adopted a new approach by organizing separate M&C meetings for each college at UMBC. This strategy is designed to address specific issues facing Graduate Assistants within individual colleges and departments in a more focused manner. Additionally, we have extended invitations to department chairs to ensure that department-level administration actively participates in resolving GA-related concerns, in collaboration with graduate school administration.

The CNMS M&C Meeting is scheduled for March 11th, and we strongly encourage all GAs from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics and Statistics to complete the survey. Your input will allow you to voice your concerns and issues to the Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee, who will present them at the M&C meetings for discussion and resolution.

Posted: March 5, 2024, 12:29 PM