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Retriever Integrated Health Services for Gradstudents

Please peruse the flyers and attachments to find out more

Retriever Integrated Health  has prepared a variety of services, sessions and workshops aiming to reach the Graduate Student community at large. Please make sure to follow their myUMBC group and join their community.

Services provided include:

  1. Executive Functioning Workshop Series - Work on developing skills to overcome barriers to success, including time management, task prioritization/implementation, motivation, and self-accountability. 
  2. Anxiety Toolbox Series - 3 workshops designed to help people learn about anxiety and some basic skills to help identify and manage anxious thoughts and behaviors.
  3. BRIDGE (Building Relationship Intimacy and Dialogue Effectiveness) - the series focuses on identifying ways to foster healthy relationships via self-monitoring, effective communication, and conflict resolution skills. The sessions include modules dedicated to help you: (1) better understand your values and boundaries in relationships, (2) learn the role of culture in communication, different styles of communication, and strategies for effective communication, and (3) identify common causes of conflict and effective conflict management techniques. 
  4. Mindfulness - Mindfulness is a state of nonjudgmental awareness of what is happening in the present moment, including the awareness of one's own thoughts, feelings, and senses. The ability to be mindful can reduce symptoms of depression, improve memory, enhance relationships, and improve your ability to manage emotions. During this workshop, you will learn the benefits of mindfulness practices and be guided through various exercises.
  5. Graduate Student Support Group (Virtual, Spring Semester) Starting February 22, need to have a previous consult! Thursdays 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
  6. Transitions: A Support Group for Graduating Students (Virtual, Spring Semester) Starting February 26, Mondays 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM.
  7. Dungeons and Dragons Therapy Group LGTBQ+ friendly (In-Person, Spring Semester) Starting February 28, Wednesdays 3:00 PM-5:00 PM.
  8. Support Group for International Students (In-Person, Spring Semester) Starting March 1st, Fridays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM.

And more! 

Please see the attached documents for additional information, events and sessions. Thank you!

Posted: February 20, 2024, 2:09 PM