ECON/PUBL Seminar Series - Spring 2024 Lineup
Please join us again this semester for the Economics and Public Policy Seminar Series, which will be held virtually via the Webex links below. Graduate students are encouraged to attend.
You can also view the entire lineup here.
See you at the seminars!
Thursday, February 29, noon - 1 pm ET
Department of Economics, US Naval Academy
Title: "Officer Misconduct, Arrest Types, and Court Outcomes"
Tuesday, April 9, noon - 1 pm ET
Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Title: "How Does Data Access Shape Science? Evidence from the Impact of U.S. Census's Research Data Centers on Economics Research'"
Tuesday, April 23, noon - 1 pm ET
Department of Economics and Finance, Manhattan College
Title: "Estimating the Value of a Disc Golf Course with Revealed and Stated Preferences"
Wednesday, May 8, noon - 1 pm ET
Department of Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University
Title: "Searching for a Second Chance: Evidence from Local New York State 'Ban-the-Box' Laws"
Posted: January 30, 2024, 11:17 AM