Winter Weather Reminder
Sign up for emergency text alerts
Dear UMBC Community,
As the weather grows colder, we want to take this opportunity to update you on UMBC's response to inclement weather and our policies and procedures for weather-related delays and closures.
If you have not done so already, please sign up for our emergency text alerts. This is the most effective way to receive urgent updates for weather-related delays, closures, and campus emergencies. In addition to text alerts, we will also post alerts on both the UMBC homepage and myUMBC.
Please note that the decision to close campus or open late applies to the UMBC campus only. For community members not located on campus, please follow the protocols for your specific location. This includes:
- UMBC-Shady Grove -- Visit the Universities at Shady Grove campus alerts website.
- bwtech@UMBC -- Email to sign up for the bwtech@UMBC text alert system.
- Rita Rossi Colwell Center -- The Colwell Center follows University of Baltimore's policies and procedures during inclement weather due to its proximity.
When it becomes necessary to close the campus for inclement weather, employees designated as essential personnel must report. Decisions about Administrative Leave for all other employees will be made based on the weather conditions that day and communicated accordingly.
If campus remains open, please use personal judgment when traveling to and from campus as weather and road conditions vary by your personal location. The decision about whether it is safe to travel ultimately rests with each individual. Please be sure to communicate early and often with your supervisor should you have any concerns. It is our goal to keep you safe and warm this winter.
Read more about UMBC's policies and procedures for inclement weather, including information on how and when decisions are made, response plans, and details on how delays and closures impact events, parking, and more.
Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy season.
Kathy L. Dettloff
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Posted: December 12, 2023, 12:35 PM