All of Us Research Program Info Sessions
presented by the AOK Library
In November, the AOK Library will present three All of Us Research Program Info Sessions for students & researchers in STEM and Social Sciences programs.
November 7th at noon. Click here to join.
November 16th at noon. Click here to join.
November 30th at 3pm. Click here to join.
The All of Us Research Program, an initiative spearheaded by the National Institutes of Health, aims to accelerate health research discoveries that enable individualized healthcare by building one of the world's largest and most diverse databases for health research.
The All of Us Research Program database offers access to a diverse, longitudinal dataset that can be used by students and faculty who may not have access to other datasets.
The NIH has worked with research communities and community members to ensure a robust research protocol that respects participants and the needs of the research community. This dataset includes biological and social determinants of health data on a large, inclusive scale, that follows participants as they move, age, and grow.
Researchers with access to the All of Us Researcher Workbench will have the potential to facilitate studies that could lead to new insight, treatment, and strategies for disease prevention that are tailored to individuals.
Join us for one of three information sessions to learn more about the research program, including more information on the datasets, how to get registered, and the required training to gain access!
Posted: October 25, 2023, 10:37 AM