Reminder: Graduate Assistants Orientation
Only New Graduate Assistants (GA, TA & RAs) must attend
August 24, from 1PM to 4PM Online
This event is mandatory for all NEW Graduate Assistants, this includes teaching assistants, research assistants, graders and peaceworkers. We encourage the additional participation of any graduate student who may be teaching in the future or as a refresher for returning GAs.
Join us for this need-to-know information session (orientation) for new GAs on August 24, from 1PM to 4PM Online. It will include an introduction to key resources on campus that you may need throughout your semester, from back-end technical support, to your benefits and policies governing graduate assistantships at UMBC. We look forward to meeting you and being part of your welcome back to UMBC!
Posted: August 14, 2023, 3:17 PM