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GSA Senator Nomination: Re-Opened Until 4/28

CAHSS and CNMS most needed! Only accepting self-nominees

The GSA is seeking applications for senators who will serve throughout the next academic year. 

If you are interested in serving as a Senator, please fill out the below application by Friday, April 28th. 2023
Email gsa@umbc.edu with any questions.

Click Here to Self Nominate (Apply) for a GSA Senator role.

*We are only accepting Self-Applicants; no nominating others. 

Such senators would have the following general responsibilities as they represent either their college or the general (cultural/non-academic) interests of all graduate students at UMBC:

Section 4.2: Duties

• Senators must represent the concerns and opinions of their constituency, AND; 

• Senators must report on the proceedings of Senate Meetings to their constituency, AND; 

• Senators must attend all Senate Meetings, or send an alternate, in accordance with the Annual Points of Policy, AND; 

• Senators must review the agenda for the Senate Meeting and all other relevant documents prior to the Senate Meeting. 

• Senators must host at least three (3) Town Hall meetings per Academic Year.

• Senators must join and remain active on at least one university committee.

• Senators must report back the affiliated university committee meeting updates.

Senators who fulfill these responsibilities will be eligible to receive a stipend of $500 per semester.
For more information on the structure of the Graduate Senate and what it does, please visit the GSA webpage (gsa.umbc.edu) and familiarize yourself with our governing documents.

Posted: April 24, 2023, 11:04 AM