CIDER application deadline extended`
December 9, 2022
To deepen the relationships between UMBC's centers/institutes and UMBC's departments, applications are invited for a new opportunity: the Center and Institute Departmentally-Engaged Research (CIDER) seed funding program.
CIDER principal investigators must hold primary appointments in a UMBC unit that is not degree-granting (e.g., they are primarily appointed to conduct research and/or creative activities in a UMBC center or institute). Proposals must also include at least one Co-I whose primary appointment is in a degree-granting department. Proposals are encouraged from all disciplines and combinations thereof.
Proposals are now due December 9, 2022. We anticipate making three $50k awards this cycle.
For more details, please see the solicitation and application form. Please direct any questions not answered by these links to
Posted: November 15, 2022, 10:26 AM