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3 Minute Thesis / The Gritty Talks Training Session

Open to all graduate students at UMBC ft. Scott Morgan

Hello everyone,

The GEARS in collaboration with Scott Morgan, President of The Morgan Group of Washington is hosting a virtual leadership workshop titled "3 Minute Thesis / The Gritty Talks Training Session" on November 17th, at 9:30 am.

The workshop is open to all graduate students at UMBC. However, it is well suited for students who are interested in participating in 3 Minute Thesis, PowerPoint Roulette, The Gritty Talks, or Ideathon events.

Interested students can reserve a spot by filling out the registration form below. Thank you.


It will be a hybrid event

Contact Gears: gsa-gears-group@umbc.edu

Attendees will get tips regarding media training, public speaking, and learn how to properly express an idea in a short period of time


Posted: November 9, 2022, 9:49 AM