Sign up for a Writing Accountability Group this Weekend
Get motivated to write!
The GSA and AOK Library have partnered together to organize graduate WAGs for the Fall 2022 Semester.
Deadline is Monday to join
Click here to sign up and join a WAG
What are Writing Accountability Group, or WAGs at UMBC?
What: Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs) are voluntary and facilitated by fellow UMBC graduate students
Who: WAGs are comprised of a group of graduate students (usually 4-8 participants per group) interested in developing writing habits and accountability
Why: Develop habits of writing every day for a short, manageable period of time by setting goals and being accountable to WAG peers
When: WAG groups meet once a week for 60-90 minutes for 10-12 weeks. The group finds a weekly time mutually convenient to all group members.
Where: The group decides on a mutually convenient location to meet, whether in person or online via WebEx or other video conferencing platform
Want to Learn More?
AOK Library’s Faculty has created a guide for facilitating Writing Accountability Groups. Visit here for more:
WAGs were developed by Dr. Kimberly A. Skarupski, Ph.D., MPH. Visit here for more:
Posted: September 16, 2022, 1:33 PM