Graduate Student Writing Accountability Group (WAG) Kick-Off
For UMBC graduate students "WAG" your studies on 9/13
Please join the GSA and the AOK Library to create and learn about writing accountability groups! Create groups to make regular writing time more productive and consistent.
This kick-off meeting will take place on Webex on Tuesday, September 13th from 6-7pm
WebEx link for the WAG Kickoff:
Join Webex meeting:
ID: 26234508845
Password: 9T5HmJ4UJPR
What are Writing Accountability Group, or WAGs at UMBC?
What: Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs) are voluntary and facilitated by fellow UMBC graduate students
Who: WAGs are comprised of a group of graduate students (usually 4-8 participants per group) interested in developing writing habits and accountability
Why: Develop habits of writing every day for a short, manageable period of time by setting goals and being accountable to WAG peers
When: WAG groups meet once a week for 60-90 minutes for 10-12 weeks. The group finds a weekly time mutually convenient to all group members.
Where: The group decides on a mutually convenient location to meet, whether in person or online via WebEx or other video conferencing platform
Want to Learn More?
AOK Library’s Faculty has created a guide for facilitating Writing Accountability Groups. Visit here for more:
WAGs were developed by Dr. Kimberly A. Skarupski, Ph.D., MPH. Visit here for more:
Posted: September 1, 2022, 1:40 PM