NSF funding webinar: Cultural Anthropology Program
July 13, 2022 @2pm
Learn about Cultural Anthropology funding opportunities at this informational webinar.
Wednesday, July 13, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST
The Cultural Anthropology Program supports research aimed at understanding patterns, causes, and consequences of human social and cultural variation. We have opportunities for undergraduate and doctoral students, as well as for senior researchers via a variety of submission types that we will introduce.
Researchers, administrative staff, and others in the social, behavioral and economic sciences community are encouraged to attend. Featured speakers include NSF program directors Jeffrey Mantz, Siobhan Mattison, and Jeremy Koster.
Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions during live Q&A sessions as part of each webinar.
Registration is required to attend.
Real-time captions will be displayed in the Zoom application during each event. If you don't see the captions, please click the closed caption button in Zoom.
To request other reasonable accommodations, please contact SBE meeting support as soon as possible, ideally by June 29th.
Posted: May 25, 2022, 10:12 AM